In Portland with Nike's Senior Design Director Steve Green

Words: Nikolas Wrobel
Gentle creatives extraordinaire... dear reader — Nikolas Type is honored to introduce you to someone who has not forgotten his roots, instead never left them and eventually grew and flourished to the sky. Creative, culture lover, designer and senior design director, father and tee shirt obsessed, a very, very fresh Mr. Steve Green. As the headline bangs his swooshed job title right into your face, you'll find out Steve is pretty much like that: a beacon of light, punchy, super positive, fun, direct ... and very honest. If you ever wondered how it is to be a design director at Nike this is your lucky day — and ours — since he and his Team used Grand Slang for a dozen of Nike T-Shirts and thus, knighted our foundry. But there's even more to him, as we found out talking with him.
Steve, what originally moved you to become a Designer?
Absolutely skateboarding. Hands down.
You are a Senior Design Director at Nike. A killer title, and it’s easy to say that this is a dream from so many. How did you made that happen?
I came to Nike as a designer with the explicit intent to become a director. I had no other reason to be here other than that. I had already been a designer for about 10 years while living in New York. There was no reason to leave the city unless it was to make it as a director at Nike. Once I got here I didn't give up. And it didn't happen quickly. It was a longer road than expected and almost gave up. But I just kept putting myself out there and infront of the right people over and over again. Lots of extra projects. Lots of extra strategy decks. Anything to prove more than being a designer. Ironically my first role as a director was with Nike SB - the skateboarding line. Full circle life and career moment.
Subculture Is Everything To Me And Influences Me Every Day
Why is especially Nike as a brand so extraordinary prestigious under designer? Everyone is craving so much to have a project with the swoosh in their folio. Countless designers and Studios do fictional projects with Nike. There are many famous brands, but designers seems to especially have picked Nike. It can’t be all just because of Carolyn Davidson's legendary logo? Where’s this "cult" coming from to your mind?
Nike is one of the rare global billion dollar brands that puts design & innovation first. This is what makes it so special. You have that runway to push as far as you want - thats the bare minimum. Play and innovation are rewarded. It's every creatives utopian playground. We have one of the largest design teams in the world - something like 600 people from all over the world. There's so many ideas, innovators and thinkers at your disposal. It truly is a rare place in the world of design.
Straight to another cult: What’s so magical and magnetic about designing a „t-shirt“? Even many non designers are crazy for this. It almost feels like a religious totem and there’s such a deep craving towards it. How do you make sense of this desire to create graphic tees?
Tee's are the entry point to any brand. They are also the billboard for that brand. You can also push creativity to the max on a tee shirt. It's truly a white space - no pun intended.
Add the vibe you wish the vibe returned to you
Of what work are you most proud of?
I always go back to the A.I.R. (artist in residence) project I developed while in mens running. We took an idea generally reserved for the skate /fashion world and applied in a performance setting. Curating the artists to pair with the running product was so much fun and created an unexpected home for their work. I am very proud of every collab we did for those 3 years.
What role are subcultures playing in your (creative) life, and to what extend do you draw inspiration out of this for your work? And what are those?
My entry point to art music and fashion as a teenager and possibly younger was through skateboarding and punk/hardcore music. Subculture is everything to me and influences me every day. I currently work with an underground rave promoter and find that energy just as thrilling as my first basement punk rock shows 30 years ago. Scenes and sub scenes are always the incubator and curator of culture. These fascinate me to no end.
Should subcultures and people deeply involved into it, co-exist and live in peace and harmony with super popular culture without any irony and cynism? Is, to your mind a certain snobbism and rejection towards the mundane needed, or foolish?
Live and let live. Don't gatekeep. Don't be an asshole. Always respect the history heritage and culture of any subculture. Being negative only perpetuates negativity. Add the vibe you wish the vibe returned to you. Peace and love always. Be pop culture if that makes you happy. Be underground if those are your people. Moonlight between all if you want. Be nice. Be kind. Respect everyones space and contributions.
It takes an immense amount of vulnerability to be a creative
How important is expressive type for your practice?
Is air important for the lungs to breathe?
What’s your favorite (graphic) tee ever?
Anything Perks and Mini and / or Fergadelic.
Practice grace and kindness to yourself and those around you.
It’s common that a lot creatives practice a lot of self-criticism and compare themselves a lot. How can we get rid of too many of concerns, negativity and be more confident as designers, and amplify our creative joy and well being?
It takes an immense amount of vulnerability to be a creative. Practice grace and kindness to yourself and those around you.
What was the best situation you ever experienced including someone wearing your designs/t-shirts out in the wild?
I normally shy away from approaching anyone in anything I've designed but my wife approached a guy at a club to tell him he had a tee on I designed. It sparked a partnership that has me designing posters for his club nights. This work has really given me an outlet I had been seeking for sometime...on a work trip to Miami we all decided to approach people we saw wearing any Nike tee any of us made. It was surprising and endearing how happy and engaging people would be with us.
What’s the best advice you ever received?
Don't make it shit.
Cool is being true to yourself. Cool is supporting each other. Cool is lack of ego.
What’s the coolest place in Portland Oregon (some that others can visit when they are there)?
The japanese gardens.
How do you mantain your creative energy and spirit in the daily live?
I just love design. A lot.
What’s your solid go-to food place in Portland?
What do you want to be remembered for?
Being a good dad.
What’s your favorite Nike Sneaker?
All time fave : Jordan 1 royal.
Fave collab : union AJ 4 or the Stussy LD1000 in phantom
Currently: anything from the ISPA line.
Steve, what is "cool" for you?
Cool is being honest. Cool is being authentic. Cool is being a good human. Cool is helping. Cool is being true to yourself. Cool is supporting each other. Cool is lack of ego.
I deeply agree: „Cool" is embracing all that you are and to live with that in a way that makes you and others feel true, free, better and sound, too. I only say: "lift others as you rise". It’s expressing your fire, and sharing it with all around you. Dead or alive, which Artist impersonates that attribute the most for you?
Ok cool? David Bowie. Visually. Musically. Aesthetically. Personality. That’s THAT kinda cool.
Thank you for your precious time, Steve! We can't wait to see more of your work!
GOODY ALERT: We're pleased to share a playlist that Steve exclusively curated for Nikolas Type. Our opinion: 10/10. Tasteful and grounded vibes with a touch of romantic dreamy. Effortless, balanced energy: rythmic endorophine, low cortisol. Not too spicy, not too sweet and with lots of confidence, taste, and the right emotional drive. Great to work to, excellent for a wonderful walk in your neighborhood to manifest how wonderful you are. Our favorite Track: Sandpaper Kisses from Martina Topley Bird. What's yours?
Nikolas Type Radio feat. Steve Green
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